Smoked Turkey

by Fan Submission
  • 1 Turkey
  • 2 large chopped onions
  • 2 cups butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons rosemary
  • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper
  • Bread
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Mix the butter with chopped onions. Add enough bread to completely fill the cavity of the turkey.
  2. Mix 1/2 cup olive oil with rosemary and red pepper. Inject this mixture just below the skin, as well as the middle of the turkey breast.
  3. Vigorously rub the remaining 1/2 cup olive oil onto the skin of the turkey and add salt and pepper (about 3 tablespoons of each). Slow smoke until the turkey reaches a safe internal temperature.